When I was a kid we were never allowed to go trick or treating. Our church had something called "Lord of the Harvest." It was a big arena filled with booths that had games, face painting, cookie decorating, and lot of food and candy. We continued to go, even when we were older, but I didn't find it as interesting. All I wanted was to go trick or treating. I don't know why, I still got tons of candy at "Lord of the Harvest" and I didn't know much about trick or treating so it wasn't like I knew what I was missing out on. Any way, I have to say that I really do enjoy going trick or treating with my kids. It's fun to see their excitement as the approach every house. And it's fun to see the people's reaction as they open the door.
My son, Henry, is obsessed with the beast from "Beauty and the Beast." My daughter Holland, loves Belle. Harper wanted to be a cat from a haunted house. (How she knows about haunted houses at the age of six is beyond me.) And after Hazelle saw Harper's outfit she decided to change from a unicorn to a cat as well. Hunter, the youngest, didn't go trick or treating with us because she was terrified of Henry's costume as well as everything Halloween related so we left her with Mimi. (We still dressed up for the picture though!) All in all it was a great night and they kids scored HUGE with candy. We will be eating candy until next year!!! Also, I've decided that next year Brett and I will dress up too and make it a family affair.